Remember when Superman was overwhelmed by his x-ray vision and supersonic hearing? We can barely remember either. And it's because Superman was able to take his greatest weaknesses and channel them into his ultimate strengths. Here at SUPERHERO HULA, we encourage you to dance a brave empowered ending to your story. This way, you too, are able to channel what society may perceive as your greatest weaknesses, into your greatest strengths.
The story below is shared in hopes that it inspires you to share your own processed story. Together, we can overcome the stigma surrounding domestic abuse by shining light on what was previously covered over. Especially since this affects 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men in our world.
Once upon a time, I graduated from high school as a member of National Honor Society, and a Merrie Monarch Hula Festival participant. I then graduated with a 3.8 and Bachelor's in Education with an emphasis in Japanese from the University of Hawai`i at Mānoa. It was not until after college that I went to my aunty's funeral and was told in hushed tones, that she had had a husband so abusive that their two boys were removed from the home in hopes that they would not be killed.
Because situations like this are often generational, I was determined to never be with a man like my father. So while my colleagues were out having fun dating, I was earning scholarships and doing my best to look for men with qualities that were the exact opposite of my father. Not surprisingly, that did not go as planned. I ended up in a couple of relationships that were heavily emotionally and at times physically violent. These experiences with domestic violence, coupled with genetics, resulted in me being diagnosed with clinical depression at age 23.
It is my hope that one day we no longer experience societal shunning for receiving licensed psychological help and experiencing domestic violence. But until we get there, I vow that this part of my previously silenced and shamed past, will be made into healthy, happy lemonade. Lemonade not only for myself, but more importantly, for all those who come after me. Especially considering that domestic violence affects 1 out of 3 women and 1 out of 4 men.
But there's a very silver lining. And rainbows do come after the rain. After incredible amounts of therapy and inner work, I rediscovered my love for Hula dance, which I have been practicing since the age of 5. But this time, with a therapeutic aspect to it. Through these experiences I have honed my skills, and developed a proprietary process which guides dancers to learn the technical aspects of Hula dance in 1 to 8 hours. This process is perfect for two contrasting scenarios.
One, it is ideal for teaching bridal, tribute, and special occasion hula. And two, it guides women and people who have survived domestic violence to dance a different ending to their stories.
"Hula Dance Therapy™" is like no other. There is something deeply cathartic about taking traditional steps, and applying it to contemporary music. By tailoring the choreography intuitively to the woman's best movements and dancing a different ending to her story, one is transformed. The generational heaviness and ties that bind, stick to the song and dance, and the dancer is liberated and able to rise above like a phoenix. Seeing each client's glowing face, and sparkling eyes, and witnessing their positive new perspective often as little as the next month or following year is truly a gift.
So now, I am back in school again. This time with a more laser-pointed focus than ever. My goals are twofold. One, earn an accounting certificate from Leeward Community College so I can learn how to automate our finances with QuickBooks. And two, continue helping empower women survivors of domestic violence with Hula Dance Therapy wrapped in fun.
I now invite you. Yes, you. Will you help me make this lemonade? Together, we can truly make an incredible difference in this world.
Here's how you can help!
CHOICE 1: Subscribe, share, and show us love on social media (FB, IG, YT). This helps me get the word out organically and saves us tons of money on marketing and advertising!
CHOICE 2: Donate $22 to pay it forward to our social enterprise's Survivor Project.
*25 donations of $22 = 1 survivor receives SUPERHERO HULA LESSON*